
Both Bruticus and Defensor pimped up with Reprolabels and Perfect Effect's hands and feet. In the case of Defensor, this is a KO black version of Bruticus' set. Defensor's gun and Bruticus' back guns are from GCI's Brute set. And Bruticu's gun is from Warbotron, it's not properly pegged, just held with the fingers on the handle which is very flimsy, but will do for pictures. Defensor is wearing Shapeway's Knee extensions to make him taller, so he's actually taller than Bruticus if standing straight.

  1. Shockwave (Legends)

    Hasbro Combiner Wars

  2. Defensor

    Hasbro Combiner Wars

  3. Bruticus

    Hasbro Combiner Wars

  4. Perfect Effect PC-09

  5. AMO PC09 Black

  6. Aerial team knee extension

  7. GCI Brute set

  8. Warbotron WB01F Gun set