
I have it

Takara Masterpiece

Rumble MP15 (KO)

I guess this is what I get for getting a KO. The chest piece of the bot mode came scratched out of the box. So it looks like battle damage but the paint does not feel very resilient.

The hip ball joints also don't feel very strong. Given the immediate articulation right under the ball joint, the piece of plastic that has to hold the legs rotation is not very big, and these ball joints are not perfectly smooth, which makes that certain rotations become stiff and could risk breaking if mis handled.

Other than that, the figure is quite OK. I don't complain given what I paid for it, but the paint chipping is a bummer.

  1. Rumble vs Rumble

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Also has

  1. Rumble Ravage (Mp15)

    Takara (KO) Masterpiece